Monday, November 23, 2015

My Favorite Thanksgiving Traditions

My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is that I get to see my family that lives in Kentucky. Although seeing distant relatives and friends is typical on Thanksgiving, it is still one of my favorite traditions. My family from Kentucky has my only cousins from my mom's side of the family and makes me happy when I get to see them (which is not often). Since seeing family a traditional part of Thanksgiving, why not make it your favorite tradition.

Monday, November 16, 2015

My Julius Caesar Project

My English class did projects over the Shakespearean play Julius Caesar. My project was about the battles and strategies in Acts 4 & 5 of the play. To learn more about the battles and strategies, I did research and learned some new things. One new thing I learned was that there was a significant amount of time between Caesar's death and the Battle of Philippi. However, the most important thing I learned is that there is more to a story than what there seems to be. For example, everybody thought that Brutus just made a dumb decision to attack Antony and Octavius but in reality Brutus' was pressured to do so.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Why I Deserve a Day Off From School

I deserve a day off from school because I work tirelessly to make good grades throughout the school year with only a few breaks. It takes a lot of work to make good grades in high school and with so few breaks a year, it almost seems overwhelming and tiring. When you are overwhelmed and tired, you tend slack off and not care as much about what you are doing. A day to get sleep in and get some rest gives a student like me the boost I need to start caring again and keep up my good work.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

My Favorite Bible Verse, Philippians 4:13

My favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13 which says, "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." When I think of this verse, I have a sense of hope that I can do what I want to accomplish academically, athletically, and spiritually. When I run a cross country race, I use this verse as motivation to help me to run all three miles and finish the race. For other people, it might be to do well on that test or to make the winning goal but whatever it is, it gives a sense of hope.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Symbolism in The Pearl Prezi

My friend Gavin and I have created a Prezi based on symbolism from The Pearl. First, we created our Prezi by choosing a template that looked perfect for our presentation. Then, we gave an example of a symbol and gave three symbols we found in the book. One thing I have learned from the summer reading assignment is how much symbolism there is in books and that it goes much deeper than what you see on the surface.

Monday, August 17, 2015

My Three Goals for My Freshman School Year

It is the beginning of my freshman year and I would like to share some of the goals I have this school year. Academically, one of my main goals is finish this year with an A in English class. I have never been really good at English being a Math type of person but to have an A in English at the end of the year would be really good for me. Socially, one of my goals would be to make more friends. I already have some good friends I hang out with but it is always good to have more friends. Lastly, my spiritual goal for this year is to become closer with God. I feel like I have recently been drifting away from God and I want to tighten the relationship I have with him.